Add All Quixel Megascans Assets to Your Account in 5 minutes (Before it's no longer free)

They’re probably going to shut this method down soon and possibly going to send men in black suits to disappear me for sharing it. But my service is to the people! It was just announced that Megascans will no longer be free at the end of 2024.


My kids are really gonna love this!

In the comments of the gist someone points out that there should be a delay in the script to avoid getting your IP banned. But they provide the function for that too.

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Welcome! :heart_eyes_cat:

Happy with that, they have a lot of super high detailed assets! Also keep a look out for the Unreal Marketplace for the “Free items of the month” to claim those as well

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i try to. I forget. :smiley:

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Haha no worries! I’m gonna try to post them here also, so in theory you should get a mail with a summary of the “missed things” :smile_cat:

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They added a button to the website for this now!

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