Unreal Engine 5.5 is another milestone on our journey to help you push the boundaries of high-fidelity 3D experiences and AAA-caliber content—and Preview 1 is now available!
MegaLights enables you to use orders of magnitude more lights than ever before—all movable, dynamic, with realistic area shadows and the ability to light volumetric fog. As seen in the live demo at Unreal Fest Seattle , our intrepid hero Echo navigated a scene illuminated by over 1,000 shadow-casting lights in real time running on PlayStation 5.
UE 5.5 also brings exciting rendering improvements: Nanite can now render Skeletal Meshes incredibly fast (currently an Experimental feature) and Path Tracer is Production-Ready.
Animation authoring tools are more robust and easier to use in 5.5, with a Production-Ready Skeletal Editor, enhanced Deformers, and the addition of much-requested features like TimeWarp curves and Animation Layers. Virtual production tools have made big steps forward with Production-Ready SMPTE 2110 integration for in-camera VFX (ICVFX), multi-camera support, and inner frustum splitting.
To support high-end games on mobile, UE 5.5 brings new features that include Mobile Preview functionality, enabling you to match device visuals and ensure players are getting the best possible experience for their device’s capabilities.