Need help choosing an engine for mobile game prototyping

Hey y’all :vulcan_salute:! I’m just getting started in the game development world, and I’ve been handed a task to create a game prototype :face_with_peeking_eye:. To be honest, I’m feeling a bit lost. Not sure which engine would be the best choice for this, or what tools I should be using afterward to keep things running smoothly :disguised_face:.

I came across an article that lists a bunch of engines and prototyping tools - Here it is! :nerd_face:. But I’m not too sure if that list is still relevant, or if there are newer, better options out there. Has anyone been down this road before and got some advice? I’d really appreciate any pointers :pray: :writing_hand:!

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Hey, hey! Welcome to the forum!

Personally I think this depends a little on for whay platforms you mainly want to develop

For desktop, console and mobile an engine like: Unreal, Unity or GoDot would be a great option! (I use Unreal Engine mostly)

If you want to go with web only perhaps something in JavaScript, React or R3F would be the better choice