Paintball Game Project

I want to develop a game in godot engine on the theme of paintball. So far I have built a test scene. I am waiting for feedback if it is worth completing the project.
I managed to improve the system for bullets and keeping paint on objects. I’m currently testing the AI ​​system for enemies, and in the future probably a network system for real players. This game will probably be open source for everyone.

Godot Paintball game final arena design. In this clip, is present final design of scene and realistic multicolor bullets. In the next video (approximate 2025 or 2026) is presented final game only ai players, network system players is suspend.

Test Version Gameplay. Next I will have to play many tests to develop a dataset with more variables for a finer accuracy of the AI ​​system. The next version will possibly contain more fluent animations and the team system. The graphic part remains the same, only the repositioning of the obstacles and the addition of new types of obstacles and other levels.